Lakhisarai Sehri Time & Iftar Time Today 2024: What is Sehri and Iftar time in Lakhisarai? If you want to see the detailed Sehri and Iftar calendar of Lakhisarai city for Ramadan 2024, here you will get accurate information about Sehri and Iftar timings as per Islamic and Gregorian calendars with today’s Hijri date, so read it completely.
Lakhisarai Sehri Time & Iftar Time 2024
Today Wednesday, 4 December 2024, Suhoor or Sehri time in Lakhisarai is 04:54 am, and Iftar time is 04:55 pm. Sehri is done before sunrise. And in the evening after sunset, the fasting people break their fast, it is called Iftar.
Date | Sehri Time | Iftar Time |
04 December, 2024 | 04:54 am | 04:55 pm |
[Live 👉] Ramadan Date
Ramadan related questions:-
What is Sehri time in Lakhisarai today?
Sehri time today in Lakhisarai is 04:54 am.
What is the Iftar time today in Lakhisarai?
Iftar time today in Lakhisarai is 04:55 pm.